Cody Rodeo

$21 get you a seat at the grandstand or buzzard roost (I’m not sure which is which). An extra $10 will get you a sit on Mongo the Bull for a photo-op. There will be riding and bull catching and lots of kicking and falling flat on the ground, as the dusk gives way to night. A very Western, very much American kind of fun, I enjoyed immensely even though there was a bit of drama too: a tiny Amazon, accompanied by her mother on another horse, had a nasty fall; we left hoping she would recover soon…

Cody, WY

June 4th, 2018

My Sweet Irma

There are six regional airports near Yellowstone National Park which, by the way, is so huge it spans three different States: Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. Three of these airports are closer to the park and therefore more convenient: Bozeman, MT is best for the North and West Entrances; Jackson Hole, WY is best for the South Entrance; Idaho Falls, ID for the West & South; and Cody, WY best for the East. They all have their advantages and points for interest but, to me, none can be compared to Cody.

Cody, the village founded in 1895 by one of America’s West most legendary figures, William F. Cody, better known to non-natives as Buffalo Bill. Who, in 1902, built this establishment which he called “just the sweetest hotel that ever was” and named it after his youngest daughter, Irma.

Cody, WY

June 4th, 2018


Blue Star Spring, Beehive Geyser, Heart Spring, Goggles Spring, Firehole River, Cliff Geyser, Lakeshore Geyser, Fishing Cone, Ledge Spring, Belgian Pool… All names quite suitable, one would agree; but how did they come up with ”Belgian Pool”, I wonder… that’s the second last photo.

Belgian Pool, above

June 3rd, 2018

The Old Faithful

All kinds of awesome

The Old Faithful Inn provides shelter from the elements and a balcony with great views, where you can rest until the next eruption. Predictions are posted inside (as in most buildings in the area) so you know when it is time to take your place at the viewing platform.

Moving image from the previous day, the water column becoming one with the clouds for a really dramatic experience.

June 2nd, 2018

Veins of the Earth || Two || The Grand Prismatic Spring

Feel the heat alongside it and then climb the trail to the Overlook for some spectacular views. Meanwhile, click on the last photo – it’s panoramic.

The Grand Prismatic Spring Overlook is reached via the Fairy Falls Trail, an easy walk except for the last part reaching the overlook platform, which is a bit steep. You will meet wildlife on the way – just remember: keep calm and steer clear. These are wild animals and you are trespassing their territory. If they feel threatened they will charge – and they are faster and more agile than you think! The bison you see below had just attacked a silly man who went one step too far to take a selfie. Fortunately, the man got away with a warning – others may not be so lucky.

Yellowstone National Park

June 2nd, 2018