The magnificent Chrysler lobby




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How is it to work here every weekday? Can staff still pose in admiration at the elegant art deco murals, marquetry and brass details? Surely there comes a time when the excitement of the first encounter fades, wielding to a seen-it-all-before blasé spirit. When the eye looks but forgets to see. I’m glad I don’t work in the Chrysler Building. Wish I will never have enough of this magnificent lobby.

August 30th, 2016

PS: Surprisingly little information can be found on the internet about the artist of the mural that covers the entire ceiling and upper parts of some walls – quite disappointing given that, when created in 1930, it was considered the largest in the world:

Edward Trumbull, American (1884 – 1968)

Edward Trumbull was born in Michigan and raised in Connecticut. He attended the Art Students’ League of New York and studied in London under the noted muralist, Frank Brangwyn. Trumbull’s style as a muralist was traditional, and he was best known for his ease of bright and varied colors. A long time resident of Pittsburgh, Trumbull painted panels for the Heinz Administration Building in Pittsburgh and used “The Three Rivers” that converge at the city as the theme for the ceiling of the lobby of the Chrysler Building in New York. Two of his murals, located in the South Office building of the Pennsylvania Capitol Complex, are smaller versions of the murals he painted for buildings in Pittsburgh.

Update June 2021: more info can be found on this article by Bookworm History, published in April 2017.


A cool breathing spot

20160829_212752Because of the pollution, congestion and August mugginess it is easy to forget that we actually live on an island, yet a cool breathing spot is always a breeze away. Whether you head east or west, a walk alongside the river at dusk is your escape route from the stifling heat.

Just follow any street on East-West axis.

Manhattan – August 29th, 2016



Hard as it may be to believe, you can still hear the birds sing in New York in a few, far between places besides Central Park. Some, totally unexpected.

Sheila Berger
Avis Gloriae et Laudis MMXVI
(Bird of Glory and Praise – 2016)
Stainless steel and steel

#CreateArt on the Hudson River Greenway, between 57th and 70th streets.

August 29th, 2016

Behind the facade


wp20160829_191112Harmonious lines, soft palette in ochre and blue, a visual delight; it could have been a cubist painting. Solid yet airy, playful urban architecture. Hanging cables letting a fleeting glimpse behind the facade. In a little while it will be masked, its beauty lost to ignorant passersby forever.

57th Street, between 11th & 12th Avenues, walking towards Hudson River Greenway.

August 29th, 2016