The Little Water Girl


”When the renovations to the Portland Public Library were newly completed, I noticed an elderly woman standing in the foyer quietly contemplating the Little Water Girl sculpture, and as I passed by the woman, I heard her whisper the word “precious” to herself.  I’m rather fond of the piece myself, so I glanced over caught the woman’s eye and gave her a little smile. She brightened up, took a step towards me, and began to say something, as if she had to tell someone what she was feeling, but instead she just laid her hand on my arm and sighed, as if whatever she said just wouldn’t be enough.”

 Portland author Cliff Gallant 

Bronze on a granite base
Artists: George E. Wade, sculptor; Frederick A. Thompson, designer of granite base
Donated in 1917 by the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)

Portland Public Library

Portland, ME

November 19th, 2018